VeloC is a multi-level checkpoint-restart runtime for HPC supercomputing infrastructures and large-scale data centers. It aims to delivers high performance and scalability for complex heterogeneous storage hierarchies without sacrificing ease of use and flexibility.
Checkpoint-Restart is primarily used as a fault-tolerance mechanism for tightly coupled HPC applications but is essential in many other use cases: suspend-resume, migration, debugging. Some applications need to save their state and revisit such previously saved states as part of the execution model (e.g. adjoint computations), which can be also addressed using the checkpoint-restart pattern.
VeloC is a collaboration between Argonne National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as part of the Exascale Computing Project.
We are interested in learning about the checkpoint/restart needs of HPC applications. Please feel free to complete the following survey multiple times if you are familiar with more than one application: https://goo.gl/forms/xBxv4pmv7MH0z5582
If you are using VELOC for your research projects, please cite the following paper in your reports and/or publications:
Nicolae, B., Moody, A., Gonsiorowski, E., Mohror, K. and Cappello, F. 2019. VeloC: Towards High Performance Adaptive Asynchronous Checkpointing at Large Scale. IPDPS’19: The 2019 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, pp. 911–920, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2019 (available here: https://doi.org/10.1109/IPDPS.2019.00099)
The VeloC software is available here: https://github.com/ecp-veloc/veloc
(PI) Franck Cappello Argonne National Laboratory
(Co-PI) Kathryn Mohror Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bogdan Nicolae Argonne National Laboratory
Rinku Gupta Argonne National Laboratory
Sheng Di Argonne National Laboratory
Adam Moody Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Elsa Gonsiorowski Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Gregory Becker Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Greg Kosinovsky Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Contact Us¶
In case of questions and comments or help, please contact the VeloC team at veloc-users@lists.mcs.anl.gov